Healthy lifestyle

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Your health is something you can affect it - positively or negatively ¬ through a lifestyle approach every day. The people have become today's more informed than it was their parents' generation. The expectations are what medicine can be achieved by large as well. Can some simple changes can you make your living on the way to provide you with better health and longer life. The changes are simple and close to reality are the best - because the drastic measures it is often difficult to adhere to for a long time. Healthy choices and healthy options are adhered to by one all his life.
Expected to increase average age when people in the twenty-century atheist - and the fact that most of Earth's population now living twenty years more than their parents. What is the secret of that? This may be due to the availability of more food and better health services.
Coincidence factors and selection
A healthy lifestyle comes from two factors - chance and choice. Factors encountered are those that you can not change, such as genetic Tercapetk, which can protect you from disease or make you liable for her for life. But if you find that you show more of the injury situation is satisfactory, the positive steps you can help in preventing the emergence of this situation. And factors related to the extent of your knowledge of coincidence of the quality of the food we eat, and whether you drink alcohol, or if you smoke, and the time you spend exercising, and how to deal with stress daily.
Password in moderation
As is the case most of the affairs of life, the essence of a healthy lifestyle for balanced proactive approach. Too much between now and then, in general, will not damage your health damage can not recover from it, is that your body will need time to recover, and to the intimate little care.
The introduction of some changes to your life, as a replacement fried breakfast every morning a glass of milk, cereals, dried fruits, can be a healthy choice is positive, but it is unlikely that it maintains that just settled for this transformation. Start by changing it you can persevere, such as replacing a half and breakfasts option to continue with the most useful health from time to time to eat breakfast meals include fries in the holidays.The same applies to the exercise. It's a matter determine the type of activity that you enjoy his performance and fits your daily routine. The secret lies in increasing the amount of exercise carried out gradually. Whether it's sport walking fast for 20 minutes in the open air or a training session in the gym, both commands return the benefit of your heart and your muscles, and bones and lungs.

Start with your children when they were young
Childhood is the stage most appropriate to make healthy habits, because most of the bad habits acquired also at this time. If you have children, the most effective way to influence them is to be an example of them - there is nothing wrong a few hours of sitting in front of TV if it balances the activity carried out by the first day or so on. But bad habits soon become part of the life of your child's regular and you will find that the change will become more difficult when they grow up.An exploration of health-damaging habits, such as smoking, for example, can begin in a very early age, and is likely to have a greater impact when he sees your children simply because you, for example, non-smokers.Can be positive health effects can take many forms, from promoting a healthy diet to make an effort to organize a family group activities regularly. And, for instance, the biking and hiking in the woods allows you to spend some time in the practice of family activities to establish a healthy lifestyle in the future.

Positive Thinking
Often maintain a happy and harmonious life difficult, studies have shown that positive thinking can help us in dealing with daily stress more effectively, in addition to its effect on our health, emotional useful. The research showed that emotional happiness a person plays an important role in the health facility. So very helpful, psychologically and physically, that we make some effort to integrate the positive thinking in all aspects of life. It is possible to reap some health benefits by following a few basic guidelines of the following:- Always easy for the person to be negative and critical, so do my utmost effort to be positive and encouraging to yourself and to others.- Keep the crises within their right as much as possible and try to consider them as problems you can solve it.- Focus on the positive aspects of your life.- When faced with a situation Mcirbe, try to follow some soothing strategies such as taking a deep breath or imagine scenes or images quiet.

In science and knowledge is power
Never before have health information available and comprehensive as it is now, although some sources may not be entirely accurate or reliable. If you doubt your doctor in a particular case, try to know what you could them via the Internet or through books, there are a lot of patient groups and institutions that deal with specific situations, so it is very likely to find the information you need. The more you have more information, easy for you to make decisions with your doctor about your medical condition. You will feel more confident and able to ask questions as well

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Treatment of headaches with water

2 التعليقات
Treatment of migraine and treatment with water


Treatment of depression defined the term scientific


 Scientists confirm that the most prevalent diseases are diseases of young people between the headaches, which may leave them without warning or obvious reasons. And classifies the reasons for doctors to organic causes headaches caused by disease or injury to the membership, and the reasons for non-organic.Organic causes of headache

:• high blood pressure.• eye disorders: sore conjunctivitis, myopia, inflammation of the nerves of the eye.• inflammation of the middle ear.• inflammation of the sinuses.• dental problems.• fever.• colds and flu.  
• disorders of sugar in the blood (high and low blood sugar).The reasons for non-organic headaches

:Produces mostly due to psychological reasons, emotional, or the result of disorder in the functions of some members of the body (Kalmkh and circulatory disorders), or a change in some of the patterns of daily life (such as changing sleep schedules), and may be genetically engineered (especially migraines), and are considered noise and civic life accelerated direct cause of repeated episodes of headache

.Other reasons

• strong smells.• lack of sleep or abundance.• Some types of foods and spices.• Almaji change in temperature.If you suffer from headache to avoid the following:• sit in a noisy place lighting.• sitting in front of the TV or computer.• talk for a long time on the mobile phone.• reading.• Eat cheese yellow.• Eat chocolate ..

Smoking. • Eat citrus juice, and soft drinks. It has been proven they increase the severity of headaches twice. 

   How to overcome headaches
 The atypical antipsychotic medication is not the best solution to overcome the headache, as there are more effective ways to conquer headaches, most notably the following
:• stretch and relax in a place under dim light and good ventilation.• Pressure on the temples (the area adjacent to the eye) and Tdenma fingertips lightly in a circular motion.• put cold compresses on the temples.

• Drink a cup of coffee sweetened with sugar at the beginning of pain.• Take a cool bath to restore the balance of the circulatory system.

• intake of fluids.

We must not underestimate the heart headache which has a negative effect on the behavior of individuals, arguing that social workers that the killings of others planned, committed by the owner as a result of tension resulting from the headaches, and accidents are more likely to occur if the driver was suffering from a headache, they add that the headache is inherited inactivity and lack of production capacity and innovation

.The Japan Federation of Diseases published the following experiment for water treatmentReaching successful results as reported by the 100% for the diseases of old and modernThe following

Headaches, blood pressure, anemia (anemia), gout, paralysis and palpitationHeartEpilepsy and obesityCough, sore throat, asthma and tuberculosisMeningitis and any other illness related to urinary tractHyper acidity and gastritis, dysentery and constipationAny illness related to eye and ear and throatMenstrual irregularities in womenMethod of treatment: -

I wake up early every morning and eating (4) cups of water each with a capacity (160 mm) on the stomachEmpty, or about two (2) cup and a half large water

Does not address any type of food or fluids before the lapse of 45 minutesDo not take any food or drink during the hours following

For each meal - breakfast, lunch, dinner

May face difficulty, the elderly patients at the beginning drinking (4) cups of water at one timeSo they can eat less so that the work to gradually increase the quantity

To be able to drink the quantity proposed within a short period of time

Have demonstrated the results of treatment with water recovery from the following diseases in the period set out with

Each of them:

30 days of diabetesHigh blood pressure 30 daysStomach problems 10 daysShahu cancer 9TB 6 monthsConstipation 10 days

Should be on those who complain of arthritis to repeat the experiment 3 times dailyIn the first week

Then Ikhvvouna to time in one in the morning has tended in the first few daysTo urinate more than usual but

Would not it have any side effects

Please spread this message to as many as possible in order to benefit from this treatmentTried .. Nkhsroa something you will not .. In the end .. It is water

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Hair Loss Treatment

4 التعليقات
Treatment Hair Loss

In the header of every human being about one hundred thousand hair and every hair of this huge amount grow and fall in the timing of certain of its own ... Not linked to the presence of thousands, and so the rest of the hair falls, and at the same time, hair grows another - and always crowned head of a sufficient number of hair .. Valros always full of hair - and 90% of the hair is growing on a regular basis and the remainder, it remains in the sleep period ends either its fall as a result of the growth of hair Osagotha ​​automatically replaced by another

On average, falling from the hair of the head hair fiftieth day, the amount is significant for the huge amount in the header

Beauty tips for your hair

1 - Hair beauty, but not Benahumich Bnzafth and shine, health and styling the hair so it needs to careful attention to maintain Vagsleyh once a week in winter and twice in summer.2 - Use shampoo to wash your hair, of a kind The good the bad use of shampoo may cause injury to the hair dry

3 - Use natural oils for your hair such as coconut oil, castor oil, almond oil, olive oil, which is very handy. We must make sure of the quality of these oils and purchase it from places that reliable and that the large number of fraud where the victim and the hair is - and stay away from mineral oils, just like petroleum jelly and paraffin oil because these oils are harmful to the skin of the ocean Balharh
.4 - When you comb your hair is wet use a wide tooth comb and hair wet because the pulsing quickly if the use of a narrow tooth comb and it must avoid combing hair violently without (entertain) the hair first, because that leads to the removal of hair or Besiltha lead to cutting hair

5 - massage the scalp from time to time (every day or every other day) and by placing the fingers tightly on the scalp and move a circular motion, noting the use of the fingertips (not nails) and then move the fingers from place to place in order to ensure massage the scalp are then do combed Hair brushing and this process is very very useful to activate blood circulation in the scalp and stimulate hair follicles, leading to strengthened.
Hair typesThree types of hair and all kind of these three types Ajtaj attention to its own

A - dry hair:This type of hair looks without luster or vitality, and this drought by the danger of being bombed constant may be a drought due to poor activity of the sebaceous glands in the scalp or it may be to external causes harm to the hair such as the frequent use of chemicals burning of the hair in the form of pigments and other or to use Alciecoar and irons This leads to bad results for the hair.
Ways of taking care of him
:Can be done weekly bath oil (castor oil - or olive oil - or corn oil) * interest aspect of food, especially proteins.
Avoids the use of water and soap Alchkhona very bad, but uses oily soap or shampoo is good and should be investigated very well what kind of shampoo if you were used.
Must pomade natural oil from the outside for easy cut and not combed.
B - greasy hair:
Shows the greasy hair of the scalp is oily, which secrete an excessive amount of fat due to increased activity of sebaceous glands than usual.
The problems of this kind of poetry that he is being accompanied by the dirty quickly peel the hair is in need of attention constantly.
Method of taking care of him:
1 - Reduce the foods that increase the secretion of a fat foods and spicy condiments, spices, chocolate and hot drinks too.
2 - the higher the fat content in the hair must be washed well and then rinse it several times and can be added to the rinse water drops of lemon or vinegar it helps to the disappearance of fat.
C - normal hair:
Which is the hair that it is a moderate percentage of fat is not felt by the manifestations of dry hair and oily hair is the hair center and there is no problems with it.
Causes of hair loss
1 - nervous tension psychological: so you must dimension, it has been said that good food + calm nerves = hair properly.2 - Lack of blood circulation in the scalp due to comb the hair for long periods of time and lack of exposure to outdoor air clean - taking into account the invisibility of the people.3 - Kalonemia incidence of certain diseases and nutritional deficiencies.4 - Use a hair dryer or iron for long periods and under high temperature.
5 - severe diet "diet" without the supervision of one of the doctors, this is a major cause of hair loss in abundance.
6 - incidence of certain skin diseases and fungal infections Kaltalbh God forgives all Muslims and Muslim women from these diseases.
7 - height of body temperature and fever such as typhoid fever, and God forbid it after hypothermia begins to normal hair loss clearly.
8 - a surgical procedure can lead to hair loss, especially if there is general anesthesia.
9 - For women, pregnancy and birth of the most important factors that lead to hair loss temporarily but soon things are back to normal
.10 - are taking certain medications that cause increased liquidity and lower blood cholesterol.
The correct treatment for hair loss treatment is the reason that led fall of the hair itself is not a satisfactory result, but one particular reason or signs of some diseases.Some recipes for hair treatment
1 - avoid all causes of hair loss first.2 - Scalp Massage warm castor oil a day.3 - Drinking molasses, milk, beer yeast is useful in preventing hair loss.4 - crab, shrimp and mother Alkhlol of the most powerful tonic for the hair roots and prevents hair loss.5 - Massage the scalp with olive oil pure evening for a week and cover the head at night and wash in the morning
.And other herbal prescription to treat hair lossWork dough from flour in the black bean juice watercress with vinegar diluted spoon and a cup of olive oil and massage the head that day in the evening, wash with warm water a day head

Health science books
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Treatment of depression defined the term scientific

5 التعليقات
Depression is a combination of feelings of sadness, loneliness, feeling rejected by others, and a sense of helplessness and inability to face life's problems. As defined by the U.S. Institute of Mental Health, depression is a

:"Defect in the rest of the body including the body and thoughts, mood, and affect the look of the man himself and the people around him and what happens from the events so that the patient loses poise of physical, psychological and emotional

."In the opinion of mental health experts, the symptoms and manifestations of the following indicate the presence of depressive illness

:· A feeling of permanent sadness, anxiety and irritable.· Loss of interest and a sense of pleasure in activities beloved of the same.· A sense of pessimism and permanent helplessness in the face of life's problems.· Feelings of guilt, and lack of value and importance in society.· Inability to show or accept the emotions of others, and others.· Sleep problems such as insomnia or sleep for long hours, or waking up early.· Problems in eating (anorexia redundant, interruption of appetite).· Chronic physical pain that does not work with her treatment. 
· To cry a lot.· Speed ​​jittering and hyperactivity and inability to calm and relax.· Permanent fatigue and the inability to exert physical effort.· Lack of ability to concentrate, remember, and take the right decisions.• In severe cases of depression generates the actual thinking of suicide or attempted suicide.In the opinion of mental health experts, the person covered by four or more symptoms of depression for a period of more than two weeks, the person is suffering from major depressive illness.

Causes of Depression
:Depression disease occur suddenly and without warning or symptoms in some cases. In the opinion of mental health experts, some individuals may be vulnerable in terms of biology of the disease while others develop depression due to environmental factors, psychological or both. Regardless of the cause of the disease, the mental health experts or mental health tend to believe that the cause of diversity of the disease lies in an imbalance in the concentration of neurotransmitters in the brain but there is no answer to the question say whether the changes of chemical biological weapons is a cause or a result of a psychological stress experienced by the patient

 .In any case, regardless of the true cause of disease, depression, the mental health experts agree on the existence of risk factors that make individuals who have these factors (or some) more likely than others to the disease, and these factors are
:Spread of the disease in the familyAccording to statistics natural state, about two thirds of people with depression have family members or relatives had the disease.Age

Age of youth and adolescence, which is supposed to be the happiest times of rights have become the opinion of mental health experts from the most miserable periods of life when a lot of youth and adolescents in the modern era, where they tend to express their feelings internal to the requirements of modern society and problems of the many by showing the feelings of anger and rebellion or escape from home or alcoholism, drugs or show aggressive behavior, whether at home or school or work, in fact, according to mental health experts, the failure to deal with cases of depression in adolescents carries with it the risk of the feet of patients to commit suicide, and evidence is increasing the suicide rate for more than three items between groups of adolescents and young adults and both sexes, according to U.S. statistics.Psychological problems and the pressures of large

Problems of modern life different, such as loss of parents and loved ones of sudden or family problems, family and marriage and divorce and the breakdown of the principles and moral values ​​in modern societies as well as poverty and the inability to provide ways and means of living in modern societies, is a collection of stress daily experienced by human societies modern, all the problems and psychological stress leads to depression of a psychological reaction to these problems
.Incidence of serious and chronic diseases
:Depression may occur to some who have a disease caused harm psychologically or physically or both of the patient, such as epilepsy, head injuries fibrous shape, stroke, heart attack or stroke, cancer and even obesity.The Athaddam some tranquilizers Barbiturates or steroids or treatment with any drugs or other drugs continuously for a long time, may lead to a depression in some people with these diseases.Addiction to alcohol and drugs

According to medical statistics, the incidence of depression among alcoholics and drug abuse is more widespread compared to individuals who are abusing alcohol or drugs at all or use them for extended periods are few and far between. At the same time, according to Medical Statistics, the depressed patients more frequently used alcohol and drugs than non-depressed patients.Gender

Females according to statistics of the American Medical gestational disease, severe depression twice as compared to males, while cases of mild depression increases by age of 5-6 times higher among females than males. In the opinion of an expert of psychology at Stanford University Susan Axima the cause of the severe depression to feelings of sadness in a way leading to the surrender to the feelings of grief and allow them to control total on the feelings of other human, and thus falling into the cycle of grief lasting and deep in contrast to males who can forget the sadness in one way or the other .

Types of Depression

There are degrees and types of depression are as follows:1 - chronic depression light: a case of depression are distressed in the mood of the person or perhaps the case of turbidity in the mood of the individual leads for ease of jittering and nervousness as is the case with adolescents and children who develop depression, and continues this mood in these most of the day, most days of the week for a period of more than for the two on the same pace.Patients with mild depression who can carry out their daily routines, but less efficiently and effectively (as measured by their abilities regular
).Symptoms of mild depression:Manifestations of mild depression include:- Loss of appetite or increased binge-eat.- Insomnia or sleep very long.- Permanent fatigue and stress.- Loss of ability to concentrate and make decisions.- The feeling of importance in the community.- The feeling of powerlessness and helplessness.According to mental health experts, the mild depression can be turned into a major depression or other mental health problems such as extreme fear of obesity or addiction to alcohol and drugs
.Even mild depression can sometimes appear a little differently, in which case the disease is called scientifically as Cyclothymia, and the occurrence of this type is characterized by cycles of depression and mild cases of sudden increase in activity and vitality and a sense of strength and self-admiration and Flaunt.

 - severe depression:The most outstanding features and characteristics of major depression is the feeling of the patient Ptekr and full deflection in the mood for the worse so that the patient loses any sense of or interest in things and hobbies, which was usually fun and interesting and exciting the interest of the patient.As stated above - and the opinion of mental health experts - the people with severe depression, they appear at least four specifications and characteristics of the symptoms and appearances which indicate the presence of depression as I have already mentioned at the beginning of the article
3 - Seasonal depression: feeling lazy and irritable, loss of desire and interest in the work and the opposite sex as well as the demand is not normal to eat sweets and fatty foods and sugars are the main symptoms and manifestations of depression or seasonal winter.

Ways to treat depression:Mental health experts say that about 90% of cases of depression can be cured if the patient's request and went for medical help, and the time required for a recovery of between three to six months of medical treatment
.At the same time, not to request medical help lead to the persistence of depression.As more medical means used in the treatment of depression are:- Psychotherapy.- Treatment with medicines and drugs.The following is an explanation of both of two ways:Psychotherapy
:The goal of psychotherapy is to try to treat the roots or the main causes of depression, and the means used to alleviate this goal include
:- Educate myself to the patient is through teaching the patient to identify the disease and change his point of view the negative of individuals towards themselves and towards others and society, and usually are educated through special sessions for the processor with the patient about 12-20 session during 12-16 weeks, and the way the meetings are called short-term structured cognitive thearpy- A way or another method called the way the promotion of social relations with others. In this method, is recognized as the patient's social relationships with others and ways to increase and improve the bonds of this relationship as it is in the eyes of many psychologists, the severe depression caused by the deprivation of opportunities to receive positive social support for a long time.Drug therapy and medicine

:Drugs used to treat depression is the so-called antiretroviral drugs for depression and that will restore balance to a chemical blood in terms of volume concentration of neurotransmitters in the brain, and that all drugs and anti-depressants cause symptoms and side effects and need for more than a few weeks to show positive effects in treatment of the disease, and that drugs and antidepressants used to treat other psychiatric illnesses such as anxiety and stress and diseases of panic and panic and sudden illnesses in addition to acquisition of psychological behavior
.In the opinion of the American Foundation for Mental Health, the psychotherapy and drug therapy both effective means in the treatment of depression, but the use of a combination of both may be more efficient and effective in treating the disease.Light therapy: used successfully in the treatment of seasonal depression, and the wizard to expose the patient to daily sessions for several hours in front of neon light, or any type of lights that are similar to sunlight
God away from us and you, depression

Quran addresses to protect against depression
Because 99% of those who suffer from this disease for Aahafezon to pray in congregation in the mosque
Also find them abandon the Holy Quran
As well as running out of depression is not afraid of God and not a slave of sinSuch as drugsAnd wineAlso accompanied by exhausting himself Bsar nights in the waste of timeThis is the reality of experience
:I slept three or four in the morning Mtakhro go to work eight or eight and a half and I am surprised the staff of Old Esolvon of the morning .. How do I tell them the same morning of the AlsulfAnd laughing inside my head I feel Sulfhm Aasahsah and longer hours per
And tried again and I advise you try it outIt i sleep early at 11Then I wake up with ears and pray Fajr, then go to work eight Mpsot clock and my conscience is satisfied with the prayer in the mosque .. and active in my workTry this method and you'll see for yourself ..
Of course has to be hope for your logo after depending on GodAnd optimismAnd good mannersAnd the formation of good relationships and friendships are set out on the basis of goodness and goodwill
Finally obedience to God and avoid the prohibitions is the key to the good and the treatment of depression and prevention

Health science books

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Your health in winter

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In winter increase the appearance of some health problems, especially with regard to upper respiratory tract infections and lower, especially in children and the elderly. The respiratory system only in the human body that connects to the constant contact with the external environment through the processes of inhalation and exhalation, so it was the respiratory tract of most organs of the body vulnerable to infections of viral and bacterial but not the privileges defense created by God along the respiratory tract have been able to these infections influence severe respiratory health and threaten the entire human life, for example, we see that the stateless persons or impaired these defenses, such as AIDS, tuberculosis and malnutrition are more prone to severe respiratory bacterial infections and their complications.

Almighty God created the respiratory group of the immune defenses and self by which Our respiratory system is full of the overcoming of these infections and thus a full recovery, God willing and the defenses of the following:

Sneezing: a vigilant guard to expel any foreign material into the nose.

Nose hairs: It works like sieve or filter that traps dust particles entering with the air.

Mucus and meanders nose and stick to the dust, dirt and bacteria that have entered the twelve breathing.

Cough: a guard and constantly alert to the trachea to expel any foreign material such as bacteria or viruses.

Cilia motion: and there along the trachea and moving in one direction from the bottom to the top to expel foreign objects.

Cells of the immune system: There are a large number of them along the lining of the respiratory function and attack viruses and bacteria.
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Do you know how to digest food?

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1 - when the low level of sugar in the blood or fat within the fat cells, appetite center of the brain receives signals creates one has a feeling of hunger.

2 - and begin the process of digestion in the mouth, and digestion is a fragment of food and resolved to a myriad of molecules with the exact size that allows it to absorb into the body, the teeth grind food and shredded into small pieces, and the enzymes in saliva analyzed chemically into small pieces, but and very small.

3 - The ingestion of food to pass from the esophagus to the stomach downward.

4 - Inside the stomach, is exposed to more food digestion by gastric acid.

5 - up the food into the small intestine where it continues the process of digestion by enzymes produced in the pancreas and small intestine to turn food into fine particles of sugar, fats and proteins which absorb through the walls of the small intestine.

6 - up the contents of the gastrointestinal tract to the large intestine after about 5 or 6 hours of departure of the stomach, large intestine, but it mainly absorbs water and mineral salts in its ion.

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Do you know how you hear? How do we hear?

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- Sound waves issued from the phone.

2 - reflected sound waves through the external ear canal and hit the ear drum.

3 - vibrating eardrum oscillation and then transmitted to the ossicles are tiny middle ear.

4 - send the vibrations to the ossicles cochlea, a member of the worm-like in shape with a shell that we see in the parks are found in the inner ear, where the vibrations moving in a circle.

5 - minute vibrating bristles constitute the cochlea in the auditory nerve signals.

6 - Alahart transmitted via the auditory nerve to the hearing centers of the brain temporal lobe, which is translated here, sounds and voices are recognized as human voices, just as I listened to it over the phone.

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How to fight viral infections?

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- The virus is a helix of genetic material (DNA) surrounded by a shell of protein
The viruses can live and survive and reproduce only if you enter a cell.

The B cells manufacture antibodies that attack viruses floating on a temporary basis
With the blood stream (just as do B-cells with bacteria - are described on the subject of how to fight bacterial infections).

Some viruses evade destruction by antibodies and the intervention of the cells.
And killer T cells attack the cells hit by viral infection.
Here, the virus attaches to cell install one or more of its molecules located above the outer surface (like a key into the lock into the notches on the outer surface of the cell.

2 - After the virus to attach to the cell surface, begins to involve itself to the inside.

3 - after the virus enters the cell, begins to cover the disposal of protein.
And moving parts protein to the cell surface, and the genetic material of the virus inside the cell that are either remain idle
And either begin to reproduce.

4 - and realizes that the killer T cell pieces of the virus envelope protein above the cell surface
Exotic materials for the body because these pieces match perfectly with the receptors present on the surface of T cell
Lethal (like a key into the lock "bolt")

5 - and send the helper T cell and near the scene (not as shown) signals
Make killer T cells divide and multiply in number and help in the fight against this cell and other cells infected with the virus.

6 - T cells are the active work of the holes within cells infected with the virus and destroy the virus, which is inside.

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Did you know Zaúvk and vitality and the autonomic nervous system (involuntary)?

3 التعليقات
- The functions of the vital body is controlled by the nervous system (involuntary) which starts from the "What hypothalamic" central brain.

- The autonomic nervous system sends nerves to all parts of the body to guide the various functions and other acquaintances of nerves coming from the different areas of the body convey messages to the brain.

- The device is divided into Spmthawayh nerves (green) and nerve Barracmbthawayh (blue), and are working together.

Nerves Asambthawayh:

The nerves Asambthawayh transfer nerve signals to all parts of the body to prepare for the activity or reaction Aljmsana fight or flee.

Blood pressure and heart rate:
- When Taatarb, expanding the course of the minute arterioles located inside your heart and your lungs, muscles and blood flock to those members with more Ghazrah.

- And draws the hypothalamus in the brain and nerves Asambthawayh so as to reduce the flow of blood to the skin, stomach and intestines until there is a greater amount of blood to the heart, lungs and muscles.

- The nerves Asambthawayh of the adrenal glands (above the kidney) are activated by up to produce more of the hormone epinephrine (adrenaline).

- And messages coming from the nerves to the heart Asambthawayh as well as epinephrine in the blood cause together in making the heart pump blood faster and more strongly, and the nerves Albarasmbthawayh divide sits ready to mitigate those effects.

- Also works Asambthawayh nerves and epinephrine in the blood on the expansion of the airways (airways) so you can breathe air and pushing it out of your lungs at a faster rate.

Control the temperature of the body:
The Centre for temperature control, which is also present in the hypothalamus visual brain to maintain the temperature of blood in the band sound, and when Taatarb works defibrillation to generate heat, which makes the temperature rise, and with the height to send the hypothalamus signals to the nerves in order to increase the secretion of sweat and blood flow to the skin, which helps to move the body temperature to the ambient air.

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Low vision in children, causes and solutions

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Some parents hesitate to many doctors complaining of double vision in their hands and not being able or vision, and often does not exceed the complaint being the concern of parents Redaahm but may become a thing of concern to the truth.

On this subject, here is the meeting conducted by the magazine Al-Watan Clinic with Dr. Muttalib Albhbhana Consultant Ophthalmology

What natural evolution for the consideration of the human from birth to puberty?

The child at birth to be able to divert his eyes to the light, and turn his eyes to the light source, and the pupil responds when exposed to light and blink of the eye as well as exciting the same note that the power of vision are estimated to be 240 / 6
It is also natural to note Hula intermittent (ie, the eyes do not Akunan parallel at all times)

By the first month to the second child is able to focus on the face of the mother, for example, and even follow-up eyes and become more balanced with each other or less degree the previous year has passed but it does not necessarily disappear, and estimated the degree of vision here 180 / 6 to 90 / 6

From 3 to 6 months the child is able to install and follow-up small objects (such as the face and not much in the previous period), and the eyes become parallel (ie, there is about) and the estimated strength of B 18 / 6 to 6 / 6

Thus, the power of vision and control of strabismus at birth to be an acceptable degree, but not non-existent at the age of two months and become a good and at the age of 6 months must be excellent, excellent or any consideration about. Therefore if a child came out of this arrangement, it may be a reflection of this problem to consider review and become a specialist doctor is obligatory.

Are there signs of taking all parents make the doctor?

Yes, with the knowledge that this is not a call to wait is better to always review to make sure your doctor, but this outline is as follows

- The existence of a clear imbalance in the eye or eyes in addition to the fact that the child does not see, for example:

1. The presence of opacity in the eye
2. A tremor or vibration
3. About the existence of the highly intermittent and non-
4. Prove the child look to one side all the time
5. Prove the child to look only for the lighting time
6. The child's eyes Bdek continuously (do not mean itching of the eye)
7. The eye is not fixed in one place

- The presence of general problems of the child to add to the suspicion that he does not see, either with or before or after birth, for example:
1. The presence of spasms in children
2. Lack of oxygen at birth
3. Delay in the growth of the child
No grants to wait here because of weakness may be the result of the general situation of the child

- The existence of cases of hereditary weakness of view and in the family, as the baby is suffering from weakness in the consideration of his condition may be linked to a big sister or cousin who suffered from a similar case, note that cases of genetics not all be as severe as or appearing at the same time

Does the weakness of the children for when adults or adults?

Yes, and in a number of answers in terms of causes, treatment, and partial results, but the fundamental and most important is the term known as Amblyopic or laziness or inactivity, a concept that exists only when you talk about the weakness of the children to the age of seven or nine at most.
To understand this idea, it is necessary to clarify the basic idea is that the development of a continuous process at the level of the backbone of the eye and vision center the brain even after birth, and continues to the age of seven or nine, and any weakness of consideration during this critical stage will lead to an imbalance in the evolution of the level of the vision center in the brain, and this imbalance if continued to the period but not exceeding weeks will lead to what is known as laziness or inactivity so that weakness continue to consider, even if we removed one cause of low vision, where the brain may be due to the level of the weak (lazy). And treatment of this laziness need to activate the lazy eye cover eye sound for a certain period after the removal of the first causes of the weakness of the matter.

What causes of low vision in children?

Many of them do not differ in substance from what the adults, but differ in the ratio, for example, White Water is a major cause of low vision in older people, but not as well as in children, but it is still an important cause.
And generally can be divided into the causes of low vision in children as follows:

- Refractive errors (myopia, the length of view, astigmatism), which requires medical treatment of glasses

- Squint, as it usually happens in the lazy eye deviant
- Defects and diseases of the eye, for example, the opacity of the cornea, opacities in the lens of the eye, defects in the retina, all of which may be caused by congenital defects, eye infections, injuries

- General illness of the child and lead to weakness of the eye, for example, meningitis, lack of oxygen at birth, diseases of the nervous system of public
- A hereditary disease in the family, note that these diseases do not appear in all generations the same degree or intensity, as well as the emergence of these genetic diseases varies, some of them appear at birth and other stage shows and other Zvolh at puberty, and so

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