Petroleum basins in the world:Oil
by the planet since before Ncaiha approximately 4,64,7 billion years
tectonic movements (floor exercise) led to Ncae the Earth's crust, which
was characterized from the outset Ptdharysha diverse and mounted water
vaporized from volcanic eruptions and gathered after falling in the form
of Omtaroethelog in depressions that were present on
Alakecrhalaredah leading to the formation of basins of water primitive,
and with the passage of time changed climatic conditions and completed
the components of the atmosphere and increased warming, which helped
Zaoralehiah primitive in water basins, which were deposited in
sedimentary rocks and buried with the remains of organic materials that
form the source material hydrocarbon oil that
the oldest residues were present in the rocks that were deposited
during the era of the late Albrootozoa continued and increased
quantities in the later stages of the history of the development
Alakecrhalaredah to Quaternary
resulted in splitting the continental mass of large and that known as
the (mass Alpanki) into two blocks (block Eurasia in the north and a
block Kondfand in the south), separated by a Mnkqd large and
wide-stretching from the east to the west, which led to the emergence of
ocean Altesas The Tythis Ocean and evolved during the era Almizzouzoa
(old geological between 210 to 65 million years) to be arrived
displayed to between 2500 4,000 kilometers, and passed the vicinity of
Altesas during the evolution of geological stages two major stage
Algiosinclainal characterized by the overall relative stability, were
deposited during which the rock layers of different types, especially
carbonate due to the development
conditions of growth and
increasing the diversity of aquatic animal and plant, which led to the
passage of
time and in light of the continued operations deposition to
the landfill and buried billions of tons of residues Aledoria which
turned into hydrocarbons in their original positions and I knew those
kinds of rocks, rocks of the source or rocks of the mother, where he
grew up oil, ended
that phase shrinking the sea as a result the convergence blocks
surrounding it from each other and accompanied the activities and
volcanic eruptions and the high parts of the ocean floor, which led to
the formation of islands and mountain ranges along the axis of the ocean
leading to the separation to the basins separate or semi-separate from
each other, and were formed during that between
Oceans modern such as the Atlantic and Pacific, one of the first signs
of the beginning of a new phase, I knew phase Alaoroujena (stage
building mountain ranges), which filled with which those Cod
water-filled neighborhoods deposits freely variety buried and buried
with them billions of tons of Iqaaa these organic materials, which
turned out to be material hydrocarbon
and reached this stage to the beginning of the final stage, which led
to a sharp decline and extinction of water basins and construction
belts of mountain ranges on its effects in Asia, Europe and North
Africa, and most of the mountain ranges of the Himalayas passing by
Zagros, Taurus, the Atlantic and to the chains Alpine in Europe, which
was formed on the effects of Sea
Altesas are still some parts of the remains of Altesas remain, such as
the Mediterranean, which will be extinct and die end of the stage
Alaoroujena, scientists believe that it ends after about 10 million
years, which will lead to Ncae a new community at an extension site the
Red Sea, which is defined by scientists Ocean Arab African
of hydrocarbons in sedimentary rocks that were deposited during the
emergence and evolution and extinction of ocean Altesas in layers and
Altkkawin which formed during the era Albalyozoa increased quantities in
the sediments era Almizzouza and Alcinozoa, where there are about 57
percent of the hydrocarbons in the sediments era Almizzouza and about 27
percent of the hydrocarbons in the sediments era
Albalyozoa (old geological between 210 to 590 million years) and the
remaining 16 percent in deposits era Alcinozoa (old geological between
65 to 210 million years old), while the presence of about 27 percent of
the oil reservoirs in sediments era Alcinozoa (old geologist about 65
million years) and about 58
percent in deposits era Almizzouza and 15 Palmaúhfa deposits era
Albalyozoa due to migration of oil from the depths towards the top and
stored in configurations and geological event, confined to the upper
part of the Earth's crust consists of sedimentary rocks that are up
thick in some areas to about 30 km and reaches a thickness in Kurdistan Iraq
to about 20 km, and this means the possibility of presence of oil and
gas in the borders of those depths, which will increase the likelihood
of the discovery of many oil fields and the cave where, especially in
plain areas and with Altsaris low-lying and bounded by the mountain
ranges as in Kurdistan
from the results of geological and geophysical studies and practical
experience that the oil fields is limited presence on the areas that
were Ngtihaseaar deep in the past and are formed layers of sedimentary
rock distinguished from areas covered by igneous rocks Kalpaazelt and
Alkrani, not made up the oil fields in all parts of the sedimentary
rocks, but consists in some conduct
which is generated by the oil, called petroleum basins where oil
accumulates mostly in the docks Jawarhzh petroleum - oil
Petroleum is an area ranging in size from a few thousand to a hundred
thousand square kilometers or more concentrated where many oil fields
are distributed in the form of belts within the basin petroleum oil.Has
been discovered more than 600 oil basin in the world, which Tkdrmessahh
those docks oil by about 7.7 million kilometers square meters and size
up to about 16.5 million km cubic meters, and most of those basins
Petroleum (pools of oil in the United States of America, South America,
and the mountains of Oralo, the Caspian Sea, the Gulf Arab and North Africa
of the most prominent examples is the Gulf basin, which extends from
the south to the Gulf region of South East Anatolia / Turkey and a
length of more than 2200 km and width from 200-400 kilometers, and
includes the basin's richest oil fields in Iran, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia,
Iraq. Gulf
basin is divided into a number of oil belts, which are located within
its borders the giant oil fields, including oil belt in the south of
Iraq and the belt oil in Kurdistan.
Oil fields
of oil as a result of the analysis of some living plant and animal that
lived millions of years ago in ancient seas (such as the Sea Altesas)
and when you die of these organisms and fall into the bottom and buried
and covered with dust and sand (sediment diverse marine) and subjected
to pressure and latent heat in the ground, the remains of these
organisms become to
drops of oil mixed with water droplets, which are published between the
rock (the rock pores), which is made up under the surface of the sea
and gather (generated) in which the oil is called the (parent rocks) and
is inherently free sedimentary rock origin. Moving
drops of oil that accumulates in the rock mother, sometimes as a result
of pressure and heat from the native (rocks the mother) to the areas of
least pressure them and that the encounter layer Aotabqat of porous
rocks (sandstone, limestone) allow it to move through the home to the
surrounding areas and remain these
drops in their migration through the porous rocks, if not presented in
its way an obstacle (layer is porous - Garnfazh), they arrive in the end
of the path near the surface of the ground or up to the surface of the
earth, and Tzaraly form Rashwhat oil or pools of asphalt or springs gas,
Andid dissipate oil without
or made up the oil fields or gas, but if you encounter drops of oil
migrating from any kind of rock transforms (prevents) the continuation
of their migration (movement), whether the direction horizontal or
direction the vertical, and you know those rocks (rocks covered) to
prevent leakage of oil from during
which, the drops
of oil accumulation and accumulation next to or under
the Hmaalaaúq or trap petroleum known, such as those rocks (rocks
reservoir of oil) and then made up the oil fields. So it can be said,
that he made up the oil fields where there are several conditions,
including (a sailor live Alahiaoualaazavih that die and be buried at
the bottom of the sea under marine sediments, the existence of classes
Ackriaalmsamah that allows the oil movement between Msamadtha, the
presence of traps oil that accumulates then the oil and the presence of
rocks covered), and when the gathering of oil and settles in the stores -
traps, the oil separated with water mixed it sometimes floats above it as
a result of differences in density, if there is gas with oil, separated
gas is also floats above the oil, so often Manry that the oil fields is
composed of three layers, Top Gas, Alahaalinvt, then water, and this
separation is the result of the difference density between the water the
largest density and oil, followed by gas is less dense
oil often in the two types of traps, the first type consists of
fractures and sprains that occur in the layers of the Earth's crust as a
result of movements of the floor that lead to curvature of the layers
and ground Thishmha cracks or the result of eruptions of local (classes
salt) towards the top made up the trap, which may take the form of the
basement (fold convex),
where the oil accumulates and accumulates at the top fold, or traps
formed as a result fractures - faults which are exposed layers,
preventing migration of the oil that accumulates next to the broken
classes - faults. The
other type of traps formed by geological conditions experienced by the
oil docks in the history of geological development of the events leading
to changes in the privacy of certain types of rocks such as rocks, sand
stone which turns over time from porous rocks to rocks - porous layers
impede the migration of oil, which collects the digit oil fields, or for other reasons that impede the extension of geological porous layers
not suited both types turn into traps oil only if Tabqhalmsamah that
move and gather the oil-coated Otabqat non-porous (buffer) trap the oil
inside the trap - reservoir rock, and if it came under the trap during
the geological evolution of the area to cracks Ottxrat faults deeply
penetrate the rock-covered allow the oil through
faults to escape from them, which loses its trap importance and then
Azaralbtrul above ground component Rashwhat oil or springs of natural
gas, and these were phenomena of the evidence public, which attracted
researchers for oil in these areas, and this is what we see in the
precipitant areas adjacent to oil fields within the belts docks oil in the world, including oil belt in Kurdistan