Fears of increased drug residues in water

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Fears of increased drug residues in water
It's time to actually reduce pollution pharmacist after an increase in frightening signs that point to its spread in the water, although this did not cause pollution, harm to humans so far.
The water that pours from faucets or taps U.S. homes pure, clear and generally safe, although delicious drink of feeling may not feel up to eating a bowl of water natural springs. And in the United States are monitoring about 170 thousand of public water systems for the detection of nearly 80 harmful substances. These include the types of prohibited substances harmful bacteria, viruses, pesticides, petroleum products, and strong acids and some minerals.
However, water quality experts and environmentalists seem to growing fears of another type of pollution caused by chemicals found in prescription drugs and those that are sold without a prescription, that leaks water around lakes and rivers and streams. The contaminated water also perfumes and cosmetics and Alcolonya skin and sun protection products that leaks when washing the skin and face.

So far there is no evidence of any fact that in the pharmaceutical and personal products in the water harmful to humans, but studies suggest that their adverse effects on aquatic life.
This has led the restoration of medicines, which allows any person re-medication is used to specific locations to achieve two goals: first, removal of drugs from water, and the second: to prevent the use of certain medications such as painkillers containing opium addiction or for the purposes of the law.
And represented the instructions issued by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the second step in the right direction, since it dealt hospitals and care homes not to throw the unused medicines in the public sewers or toilets. Guidelines have also been the general public for most of such drugs is used. However, the question arises now is whether these steps are sufficient to prevent the leakage of chemical compounds of pharmaceutical and personal products and prevent the rapid accumulation in the water.

Sources of pollution pharmacist

* Despite the difficulty of reliable revenue numbers, it can be assumed that we are as a sound assumption of consumers we are responsible for a large percentage of pharmaceutical substances and preparations that leaks about personal water lakes and rivers and streams.
* American homes contain a lot of unused medicines that over time expired. It has been assumed drug recovery program in California in 2007 that half of those medicines and lotions are thrown. It may be that high a figure, but it means that a large proportion are still thrown in the water.
* Chemicals are also up to the water of the drugs we use, since our bodies absorb most of the parts of the medicines that we eat, and the rest of the parts is the word through the urine or stool (or through sweating), and thus it is up to the water
An increasing number of drugs that are produced in the form of ointments or creams or lotions, therefore, some materials that do not absorb a potential problem of contamination when washing the skin. Accounts have been developed, for example, that the use of testosterone cream for man to lead him to enter the amount of water equivalent to when he spoke bodies of 300 men.
* Health care institutions are another source of pollution sources, pharmacist, hospital and are less polluting than the role of care here because I have a pharmacy medicines can be returned to them, while aimed at the role of pharmaceutical care after the death of the patient or transfer them.
* Drug production companies play a role in some of the pollution pharmacist varying degrees, have been made to study the U.S. Geological Survey Water Pollution current close to the two laboratories for the production of drugs in the District of New York at rates exceeding 10 to 1000 times the rates of pollution in other parts of the United States.
* Agriculture is another source of contamination of the main Valmkhalafat of animals weighing up two trillion pounds (about 900 billion kg) of poultry and livestock are full of hormones and antibiotics given to animals to increase their growth and maintain their health, which is bound to reach some of these substances into the groundwater .

Pollution problem pharmacist
* Made a study of the U.S. Geological Survey in 1999 and 2000 the presence of significant quantities of a drug or several drugs in 80 per cent of water samples taken from the network of 139 tables in 30 U.S. states. It was shown that the list of medications included a combination of antibiotics, antidepressants, and drugs diluted blood viscosity, and medicines, heart disease (inhibitors of angiotensin-converting enzyme ACE inhibitors, blockers channels calcium calcium - channel blockers, «Degoksin» digoxin), hormones (such as estrogen and progesterone, Altestistiron ), and pain relievers. Studies have detected many articles of caffeine (which leak out, of course, other sources as well other than medicaments), and medicine «Cirbemazibaan» carbamazepine anti-cramps, drugs «Fberat» fibrates that improve the level of cholesterol, and certain chemicals aromatic (such as «Galaaksolajd» galaxolide and «Tonalajd» tonalide).
Provision is also a number of journalists polluted materials pharmacy in 24 areas of major cities, as reported scientists a valuable body of water services in southern Nevada in 2010 contamination of drinking water contained from 19 facility to filter the water the remains of antidepressants, antibiotics and drugs to treat neurological diseases and beta-blockers, medicines sedative. However, the concentration was low and below the level harmful to human health.
It is likely a cumulative effect of these quantities of contaminated no matter how small the human body, and possibly pregnant women and the disabled will be more affected by this effect.
Impact on aquatic
* Except for a lack of clarity about the effects of pharmaceuticals in water on human health, there is evidence that they affect the aquatic life, especially fish. Several studies have shown that estrogen and chemicals that behave as if they mimic the effects of female to male fish, could upset the ratio between male and female fish.
Includes sources of estrogen pills and hormone therapy drugs for women after menopause, in addition to the natural secretions of estrogen in women, which were uttered out of their bodies.
Was found hermaphrodite fish - which neighborhoods have the characteristics of male and female at the same time - in areas of severe pollution of some rivers, spotted with remnants of drugs known as anti-depressants are concentrated in brain tissue of fish in ponds close to some water treatment plants.
* A «Harvard» health services «Tribune Media»
By Cambridge (Massachusetts U.S.): The Middle East

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The health effects of medical waste on humans and the environment

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Represents the general waste about 80% of the total waste left behind by the activities of health care.The remaining waste, or 20% of the total waste, hazardous substances can be infectious, toxic or radioactive.Is, each year, giving the nearly 16 billion injection in all parts of the world, but it does not get rid of all needles and syringes after use in appropriate ways.Contain health-care waste on the micro-organisms may be harmful and can injury patients treated in hospitals and health care providers and the public.Contribute to health-care activities to protect and restore health and save lives. But what about the waste products that can be side effects that those activities?The general waste, such as household waste, about 80% of the total waste left behind by the activities of health care. The remaining waste, or 20% of the total waste, hazardous substances can be infectious, toxic or radioactive.Types of wasteIncluding waste and by-products a variety of materials, as shown in the following list (percentages are approximate values):• infectious waste: the waste contaminated with blood and its derivatives, and farms, and stocks of infectious agents, and waste resulting from the patients in isolation wards, and put samples of diagnosis that contain blood and body fluids, and laboratory animals carrying the infection, and contaminated materials (swabs and Alasaib) and equipment ( such as disposable medical supplies).• Anatomical waste: parts of the body which can be identified and the bodies of infected animals;• sharps waste: syringes, needles, Scalpels and blades and other disposable;• chemicals: mercury, solvents and disinfectants, for example.• Pharmaceuticals: drugs that have expired and unused medicines and medicines contaminated;, vaccines and serums
;• Alinvaayat toxic genes: a very serious waste or mutagenic or teratogenic 1 or carcinogenic, such as cytotoxic drugs used to treat cancer, Mstqlebattha.• radioactive waste, such as glassware contaminated with radioactive diagnostic material or materials used in radiation therapy
.• waste, heavy metals, such as broken equipment from the mercury devices for measuring temperature.The infectious waste and waste anatomical Taken together, the majority of hazardous waste, or about 15% of waste from health care activities. The sharps waste about 1% of the total waste, but the main source of disease in the absence of appropriate management methods. The chemicals and pharmaceuticals to about 3% of waste from health care activities, while a toxic waste of the genes and radioactive particles and heavy metals about 1% of total health-care waste.

The main sources of health-care waste:• hospitals and other health care institutions 
• Laboratories and research centers 
• morgues and autopsy centers 
• laboratories that conduct research and tests on animals 
• blood banks and blood collection facilities 
• The role of caring for the elderlyAnd exports high-income countries, on average, about 0.5 kg of hazardous waste per day per hospital bed; issued while low-income countries, on average, 0.2 kilograms of such waste per day per hospital bed. However, it is not, in most cases, the classification of health-care waste as hazardous or non-hazardous waste in low-income countries, which greatly increases the real quantity of hazardous wastes.Health effectsContain health-care waste on the micro-organisms may be harmful and can carry the infection for patients who are treated at hospitals and health care providers and the public. Other potential risks include the spread of micro-organisms resistant to drugs in the environment from health care institutions.They can cause waste and side products are also in the incidence of injuries, such as the following:• burns caused by radiation• injuries caused by sharps waste; 
• poisoning and pollution through the secretion of pharmaceutical products, especially antibiotics and cytotoxic drugs
;• poisoning and contamination by sewage;• poisoning and contamination of the elements or toxic compounds, such as mercury or dioxins that are emitted during the incineration process
;Sharps waste

Is, each year, giving the nearly 16 billion injection in all parts of the world, but it does not get rid of all needles and syringes after use in appropriate ways, which creates a risk of injury and infection and opportunities for reuse
.• The WHO estimates that contaminated syringes caused, in 2000, in the incidence of infection 21 million hepatitis B, and two million infections of hepatitis virus C, and 260,000 infections of HIV in all parts of the world. And could prevent many of these injuries if the disposal of syringes safely. And reuse of syringes and needles for single use injection of common phenomena, in particular in some African and Asian countries and some countries in Central and Eastern Europe
.• There is, in developing countries, additional risks arising from waste collection to waste disposal sites and manual sorting of hazardous waste produced by health care institutions. Such practices are common in many parts of the world. Face Mnaulo waste, directly, the risk of needle stick and injuries caused by toxic or infectious materials

.Vaccine waste

Revealed the diagnosis, in June 2000, the injury of six children in light of smallpox (vaccinia virus) after that played Bompolat glass containing a vaccine for smallpox, and expired in a garbage dump in Vladivostok (Russia). In spite of the injuries were not dangerous to the point of threatening the lives of these children, should have been addressing those ampoules before it is put.Radioactive waste

Is the use of radioactive sources in the medical field and in other applications of the widespread phenomena in all parts of the world. It is noticeable, sometimes, public exposure to the radioactive waste resulting from radiation treatments and have not been disposed of in appropriate ways. Serious incidents have been documented in Brazil in 1988 (where he died four people and wounded 28 others seriously burned radiation) and in Mexico and Morocco in 1983 and in Algeria in 1978 and in Mexico in 1962.May be risks associated with other types of health-care waste, particularly waste of blood and chemicals, high risk but have not yet subject to full assessment. It must carry out further work in this area. It should, in the meantime, take the necessary precautionary measures
.Risks associated with the disposal of wasteAlthough the contribution of the health-care waste treatment and disposal in reducing the risks associated with them, there are indirect health risks may occur as a result of toxic pollutants produced by these processes in the environment
.• can cause landfills to pollute the drinking water if not built in appropriate ways. There are occupational hazards in the waste facilities in ways that were not designed well or those that are not operated or maintained as it should
.• We have been pursuing the process of waste incineration on a large scale, but is not appropriate incineration or incineration of materials unsuitable resulting in secretion of pollutants in the air and ash residues. And can result in the incineration of materials containing chlorine to the generation of dioxins and furans 2, one of the substances that cause cancer in humans and that have been detected on the relationship between them and a wide range of adverse health effects. It can also result in the incineration of heavy metals or materials that contain heavy metals (particularly lead, mercury and cadmium) to the spread of toxic metals in the environment. It is worth mentioning that the dioxins and furans and metals reigned and accumulate in the environment. And it should not be incineration of materials containing chlorine or minerals.• can not be only for modern incinerators running warmly ranging between 850 and 1100 ° C and equipped with special equipment to clean the gas to meet international standards for the emission of dioxins and furans.There are, currently, alternative means may be substituted for the incineration, such as sterilization, and the use of microwaves, and conciliation between the treatment of steam and internal mixing in the framework of an integrated process, and chemotherapy
.Waste Management - the reasons for failureThe most common problems associated with the waste of health care in the lack of awareness of health risks related to such waste, and lack of training in the field of waste management in appropriate ways, and the lack of waste management systems and disposal, and inadequate funding and human resources, and not to give high priority to this subject. Many countries do not have the appropriate regulations in this regard or that they owned or carried out. A key issue in this regard concern, clearly, to identify those entrusted with the responsibility of waste handling and disposal. This is the responsibility, according to the principle of "polluter who pays the cost of pollution," the responsibility of the body that produce waste, which is usually the concerned authority to provide health care services, or institution that participates in the activities related to this pollution. In order to reach the health-care waste management in safe and sustainable should include a financial analysis of all costs associated with waste disposal
.Steps should be taken to improve the situationSupport improvements in the management of healthcare waste on the following key elements:• Build a comprehensive system addresses the responsibilities and allocation of resources and waste handling and disposal, which represents a long-term process supported by incremental improvements;• Raise awareness of the risks related to waste, health care and safe and sound practices relevant;• adopt safe management options that take into account the environment in order to protect people from hazards in waste collection, handling, storage or transport, treatment or disposal.Governments need to demonstrate commitment and provide the necessary support so that improvements in global and long-term, though it can take immediate action at the local level
.WHO's response

The document guiding the comprehensive and the First World, a document entitled "waste management activities of health care means safe", which was issued for the first time the World Health Organization in 19993, aspects such as the regulatory framework, and planning issues, and waste reduction at the lowest level of recycling, and options for waste handling, storage, transport, treatment and disposal, and training
.The document is aimed at managers of hospitals and other health care institutions, and policy makers, and public health professionals, and managers involved in waste management. And attached to that document, "Teacher's Guide", which contains the necessary materials to conduct a workshop for three days for the same audience
.There, in addition to that, and guidance documents issued by the World Health Organization on health-care waste, including the following
:• a monitoring tool• a tool to estimate the costs• Rapid Assessment Tool• The policy paper• Guidelines for the development of national plans• waste management activities of the injection• waste management in primary health care centers• waste management activities of the mass immunization• Management of waste during the emergency.Can be found on the full texts of these publications on the website of the Department of Water, Sanitation and Health of the World Health Organization

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Damage to the genetic mutation of micro-organisms

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Dr Majd Jratla

The seriousness of the genetic mutation through genetic mutations and Genetic mutation of micro-organisms is equivalent to the seriousness of extinction? It is a grave mistake to say that all the genetic change to these objects is nothing but a natural progression? Billions of microorganisms, which was formed millions of years ago in a harmonious environment is not visible Invisible living environment was the most affected and those affected by climate change and environmental pollution that we experience all of us, began millions of them in the genetic change and some of them began to erode, and of them have disappeared and this will damage the great directly or indirectly to humans and all living organisms and the environment and the most frightening consequences is the emergence of new diseases from micro-organisms genetically modified?

In fact, one could view it with the naked eye serious effects of climate change and environmental pollution on many organisms, such as "human, animals, birds and plants," but can not see those effects on the trillions of microorganisms beneficial and harmful and invisible? Though we can control-oriented genetic mutations which are made by experts in their labs, it will not be able to control Genetic mutations Genetic mutation and random that occur in nature and which are now out of control?

The genetic mutation of micro-organisms Microorganisms' Genetic mutation is one of the largest environmental disasters invisible, which produces a result of climate change is a result of severe global warming and acid rain .. Or radioactive contamination resulting from the experiences and activities and nuclear reactors and nuclear waste and disasters in addition to chemical pollution resulting from oil pollution and its derivatives, or from toxic pesticides and chemical fertilizers and waste of factories and cities.

The consequences are visible to both climate change and pollution are exacerbated in key aspects of the two extinct organisms and cost-fiction of climate change with an increasing proportion of endangered species than twenty percent to more than five and thirty percent, while expected to lead the financial consequences of climate change to move beyond GDP in the whole world by the year 2080.

As for the invisible consequences will be more severe? Has resulted in environmental pollution which hit the "air, water, soil" to the harm and the significant damage of all micro-organisms beneficial from the harmful and that spread in all parts of the world without exception, and that live around us and in our fields and the water we drank, or that live far away in the hot springs, oceans and seas salt, and ice poles and ponds with high acidity, and openings volcanic, and radioactive waste in the depths of the earth, and under the sea, and the sawmill in any other place on earth and to find out the intensity of these organisms must know that one gram of natural soil contains about 40 million bacterial cells and that one "millimeter" of natural freshwater contains about one million bacteria.

Among the most serious those consequences is the effect of the long range of micro-organisms which are most dangerous to human health, a group "bacteria and viruses," which attributed it to append to many diseases and serious epidemics shared between humans and animals, which are numerous and diverse, including bacterial diseases, such as salmonella, brucellosis, anthrax, tuberculosis, yellow fever, including viral diseases such as influenza, rabies, Rift Valley fever and West Nile fever and inflammation of the brain. Including parasitic diseases such as tapeworms and toxoplasmosis (Toxoplasma), and leishmaniasis, and scabies, including fungal diseases such as favus or ringworm, and experts expect Global to increase the unity of human infection with these diseases during the next two decades due to the emergence of novel causes of disease were not known previously unknown and that it will "mutate genetically "The new disease strains have the ability to move a serious epidemic of animal or bird to human, and examples of these diseases, mad cow disease, SARS and avian flu and swine flu and the resurgence of tuberculosis, Rift Valley fever.

A good concrete example is the return of bacteria Escherichia coli "E. COLI" deadly vegetables, which caused panic and terror in the 12 European countries and forms of new genetic materials, such as the pattern of "any HEC" in the power of secreted high toxins and resistance to common antibiotics has changed the bacteria genetically four times. In the beginning of the discovery was a great influence on children only, and then increased the severity of her to catch Aldharrbalbaghein and now the impact on adults and women.

And confirms the research this is what was already on the ground recently on the issue of genetic change that right "bacteria Arabists coli" These bacteria are naturally present in the human body and specifically in the colon in limited numbers, and if the amount of these bacteria, they cause some intestinal disorders such as diarrhea But in general, these non-lethal bacteria. But how do these bacteria have caused several recent incidents of deaths in many European countries?

What has happened is the emergence of "new breed" the most powerful and deadly than the bacteria of origin, which resulted from mutations in genes Genetic mutation and Agdhu reason leading to these mutations is due to changes that have taken place in the system of agriculture and engineering of agricultural crops and the use of large amounts of fungicides and insecticides toxic chemicals at rates high concentration, which has put pressure on environmentally different from the nature of her life and this led to change the theme of natural and genetic bacteria "Arabists and E. coli," and caused its development and thus became the bacteria different carrying toxins unknown did not recognize it in many of the deaths that occurred in the world so that we can resist and deal with treatment serum or appropriate.

The cause of this disaster, which claimed the lives of dozens of deaths are absurd in the nature of micro-organisms, any bacteria naturally be weak and consists of a single cell, but its nature changed easily to the more powerful and often aggressive and therefore difficult to control?
Also applies to the genetic change observed in the avian flu.

As well as in Ebola haemorrhagic fever Ebola Hemorrhagic a viral disease caused by a virus (Abpola Ebola). He is one of the most deadly viral diseases, where the disease leads to the deaths of about 50-90% of clinical cases. And was discovered in 1976 in forest Africa and Asia. I have been scientific characterization of the virus in the regions of Sudan and the western equatorial and neighboring Zaire in 1976 and then was isolated a new type of genetically modified virus called (Ebola Reston 1 Ebola-Reston) in 1989-1990.

I also want to add a proof different from the mutation genetic-winning micro-organisms through environmental pressures Cairo is the emergence of resistance of many microorganisms, including bacteria to antibiotics, which appear in two ways namely natural selection, or a genetic mutation, the effect of the antibiotic is a pressure Environmentally the bacteria, although mutations that will appear later in some bacterial cells make them survive the effect of the antibiotic, then, move this feature to future generations that will be characterized by being fully resistant to treatment with antibiotics.

The examples are many and can not restrict the features that characterize micro-organisms of the speed of vulnerability and their life cycle, rapid and complications of genetic connection between them and natural selection all will get worse and contributes to the emergence of new diseases from micro-organisms genetically modified through the development later in the environmental conditions of Cairo and will threaten us We are human beings with other living things at any moment??

Micro-organisms useful and important part of our planet Earth:

You must Annzer to micro-organisms as evil or wrong, it is necessary a useful part of the design of the planet we call home. It is essential to human life, animals and plants. And offers many services and benefits the many and important and every day we find new people to the benefits of it and find more ways to use it.

The following is a summarized overview of some of the benefits and importance of micro-organisms:

Contribute to micro-organisms in the manufacture of the oxygen we breathe and the many types of bacteria have a symbiotic relationship with humans Many types of bacteria that live in the human intestine to help digestion and synthesis of vitamins. There are bacteria that prevent yeast infections in humans and bacteria play an important role in recycling waste and decontamination and convert organic matter into nutrients that benefit plants and recycling of nutrients in the soil and increase soil fertility as they play an important role in biological control and provide natural protection against plant pests in farmers' fields, and contributes to many of the food industry, and in the production of antibiotics, there are many drugs that are produced industrially by microorganisms and is considered the most important antibiotics produced by bacteria, fungi, since the discovery of penicillin for the successful treatment of many bacterial diseases such as tuberculosis, cholera, syphilis, meningitis Examples of antibiotic-producing (penicillin, streptomycin, poly Maxin, cephalosporins, erythromycin).

Also used the micro-organisms also in the production and adaptation of a number of human hormones, which in turn are used as drugs such as insulin and growth hormone and steroids are different, such as cortisone which is used as anti-inflammatory as well as the hormone estrogen and progesterone which are used in drugs to prevent pregnancy and work is underway using the techniques of genetic engineering and the use of biotechnology on the use of Microbiology in the manufacture of vaccines against some incurable diseases such as hepatitis and foot and mouth disease that affects sheep and cattle. Is the production of some types of vitamins in large quantities by industrial microorganisms used as types of bacteria and pseudomonas bacteria propionibacterium for the production of vitamin B12 and mushrooms ASHBYA in the production of vitamin B2 vitamin C either using Vintage types of bacteria to the genus ACETOBACTER


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Kyoto international climate protection in the wind

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Yesterday withdrew Canada, China and the United States did not sign the original treaty, Russia and Japan announce that they would not sign the extension of the Treaty does become Kyoto international climate protection ink on paper? Is the Kyoto treaty will remain the only international solution to climate change?

The Minister of Environment Canada's "Peter Kent" told reporters in Ottawa: "As we said, the Kyoto Protocol for Canada is a thing of the past We use our legal right to withdraw formally from the Kyoto treaty." The announcement of Kent after marathon talks on climate change concluded a few days ago in the coastal city of Durban in South Africa. Thus Canada, which is a major energy producers in the world, the first country to announce its withdrawal from the Kyoto Protocol.

And has justified the Canadian Environment Minister his country's decision that "the Kyoto Protocol does not include the two girlfriends as much of the emissions, and China and the United States of America, and is therefore ineffective.

It has become clear now that the" Kyoto Treaty "is not the right way for the solution of an international climate change but
an obstacle. "

But the withdrawal of Canada is the only loss of that treaty?

Canada has resulted in the withdrawal from the treaty to direct blow to the Kyoto Protocol, which had already been weakened and expire in December / December 2012. Along with a hint of Canada, Russia and Japan that it would not sign the extension of this Treaty.

Experts said that Canada, with its withdrawal by the end of the year, you will avoid penalties for failing to meet the binding commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

He also added the Minister of Environment Canada's "Kent": Meeting the Kyoto Protocol targets for 2012 would amount to either prevent the functioning of all cars, ambulances and police vehicles of all kinds on the roads of Canada or the closure of the agricultural sector completely and cut heating for all homes, offices, hospitals, factories, and buildings in Canada.

The Kent at the same time that Canada is making "tremendous progress" towards reducing carbon dioxide by 17 percent by 2020 compared to 2005 levels, a goal is voluntary and signed after the U.S. announcement of a similar commitment. He said that Canada would like to see new agreement contains legally binding commitments for the major countries responsible for emissions.

And all countries have accepted the decision of Canada this sharp criticism, but criticism started from within Canada itself has accused the opposition parties, the Canadian Minister of spreading the environmental spirit of fear among the people .. At the international level, said a spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, "Liu and right" in the interview by saying: "It is unfortunate and contrary to the international community's efforts to withdraw Canada from the Kyoto Protocol at the time made the Durban meeting made significant progress to ensure a second phase of commitment to the Protocol, and expressed hope to play Canada's responsibilities and duties and continue to observe its commitments and adopt a positive and constructive towards participation in international cooperation to respond to climate change.

The Government considered the German tongue and German Environment Minister that the Canadian decision was not surprising, and I have asked the German Green Party to take action against this decision. as
expert called party green energy expert "Hans Joseph Fil," a boycott of oil supplies from Canadian form fields extracted from great harm to the environment.

On the other hand described the Japanese Environment Minister, "Joshi Hosono," the Canadian decision Palmasv urged Canada to continue the agreement, saying that the framework
Kyoto includes "important elements" that might help in the fight against climate change. He also said an Indian official said that Canada's decision could threaten the loss of any gains made in the Durban meeting. The "Greenpeace" active in the field of environmental protection by describing the Canadian decision "insulting political of the international community. "

And will remain the controversy existed between the countries of the world and among the signatories to the Kyoto treaty and the signatories among themselves between supporters and opponents and will continue to address the problem of climate change in the wind??


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Durban conference on climate change do we save our planet

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U.S. Secretary of Foreign Affairs of South Africa, who chaired the talks, the Durban conference on climate change:

"We came here to save the planet for the future of our children and grandchildren?"

Is this conference succeeded in saving our planet???

Will succeed the new road map to reduce emissions?

Approved on Sunday the United Nations Conference on Climate Change, which was held in the city of Durban in South Africa on the agreements will be forced for the first time the biggest causing pollution on the move to slow the pace of global warming, and extended the agreements the duration
of the "Kyoto Protocol" until the end of 2017
which is the only global agreement that imposes reduction of carbon emissions, as approved formula fund to help poor countries deal with climate change and set a course to develop a legally binding agreement on reducing emissions. Delegates agreed to start work next year on a new legally binding treaty to reduce greenhouse gas emissions resolved by the year 2015 and come into force by 2020

The agreements come after years of failed attempts to impose a cut of an international legally binding on the emerging economies such as China and India as well as rich countries like the United States

The Minister of Energy and Climate Change Britain "Chris-hyun:" The result represents a great success for European diplomacy

Where we managed to convince the major emitters countries like the United States, India and China a road map to ensure access to comprehensive global agreement. "

He said U.S. special climate envoy "Todd Stern," said Washington is satisfied with the result and said "We have a match of the kind that we focused on it since the beginning of the administration of U.S. President, which included all the elements we were looking for.

I have praised the Secretary-General of the United Nations, "Ban Ki-moon," the decision reached by the Parties to the 194 of the Convention on Climate Change in Durban, said: "We welcome the agreement to establish the commitment of the second part of the Kyoto Protocol, which will increase the uncertainty for the carbon market, and provide additional incentives for investment new technology and infrastructure necessary to combat climate change. "

But the conference was not spared from criticism from many experts in environmental affairs, who stated that the government has wasted valuable time to focus on a handful of specific words in the text that was negotiated and failed to further reduce emissions to a level sufficient to reduce global warming?

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The start of the Summit of the investment in solar energy in the Middle East

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Began the work of the Summit of the investment in solar energy in the Middle East today, which is organized by Dsak Tech / UAE company / for the first time in the region over two days Hotel Novotel Dubai with the participation of 30 speakers and international experts specialized in solar energy and the presence of more than 90 people from the makers of in government departments and private sector companies.

Said Yasser beautiful and General Manager of the organization / event that is the first Arab conference on investment in solar energy in the Middle East, where it collects solar energy experts, public sector and private sector in addition to the financial sector ..
He pointed out that most of the conferences held in this area were for the definition of community renewable solar energy technology, but in this conference focused on how to start a successful investment in solar energy.

He explained that the participation of the public sector at the conference aimed out legal frameworks to work in this area under its umbrella.

Conference sessions include review of the best types of solar energy technology appropriate to the Middle East.


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Oil tankers for environmental health disaster

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Temted environment as she watched the sinking of oil tanker accidents in the womb of water, such as spears of poison implanted in her body or Kmsamar ringing in her coffin! Only those causing leakage of up to two million tons of crude oil into the waters of seas and oceans, and comes what happened to the leakage of large amounts of oil in the vicinity of the northwest coast of Spain on November 19, 2002 Ekhalqh alarming episodes of series of oil spills from tankers cracked and sunken.

Broke in the Greek oil tanker "Prestige" in half because of a severe storm sank their impact in the Atlantic Ocean carrying 77 thousand tons of diesel oil to the bottom of the ocean, threatening to severely damage wildlife and fisheries, marine oil spill after the tanker, which carries the Spanish coast. Has flowed , according to news agencies, thousands of tons of oil from the tanker sank, contaminating more than 100 deaths beach and about 250 birds of 18 species, and the injury of marine life in Spain, a big danger, as well as to prevent fishing in the area of ​​more than 400 kilometers of coastline.

And threatens to spread leakage of diesel oil - of far more than 20 spot with a brown color and circular shape and density of large diameter of each of them, between the meter and four meters - the extinction of fish stocks and shellfish important to the local economy in a wide area off the coast of Spain as it depends where about 60% of the population on fishing as a major source of livelihood.

Has resulted in wind and bad weather to thwart the efforts of the Spanish authorities to prevent the oil slick towards the coast and inland province Jalician, and despite the enormous efforts made to clean the roads and facilities covered by a thick layer of oil expected destinations are responsible to take clean-up operations about three years, and that the region will not return to what it was in the past, before the passage of at least ten years!

Carriers .. Contaminated:

The oil tankers Bhawwadtha repeated and erroneous practices, Kelqa waste and waste oil in the water of pollutants to waters of the serious and the environment in general.

According to researcher Dr. "restricted life" in his study on the oil pollution of the water under the supervision of "the Environment Public Authority" in Libya, it is difficult to control oil pollution of marine or prevent its spread as it is the risk of floating and sliding controlled by wind direction and factors of the tides and the intensity of the waves and thus difficult to control it. Dr Mahgoub:

oil pollutants are the most dangerous pollutants coasts and seas and oceans and the most widespread, as 20% of the oil produced globally is extracted from the depths of the sea, so any of the following reasons lead to the oil-water pollution:

• maritime accidents and the most important of which collision of oil tankers, coral reefs, or to each other or sinking.

• incidents that occur during the drilling and exploration in the seas and oceans.

• leakage of oil into the sea during the loading and unloading operations of oil ports.

• fire, fires, oil tankers at sea.

• Crude oil leak due to corrosion incidents in the metal body of the tanker.

• take a water tanker after washing tanks discharged into the sea.

• Meet the so-called oil-contaminated water budget in the waters of the sea, where the tanker is filled after unloading its cargo of oil by at least 60% of their volume to maintain the balance or equilibrium carrier while walking on the sea during the return journey to the port of export.

• leakage of oil from oil tankers due to accidents from offshore oil wells adjacent to the beaches.

• leakage of oil into the sea during the war, as happened in the Second Gulf War.

Leaks .. Floating cancer:

Oil spills threaten marine organisms in general in the affected areas such as fish, turtles, birds, coral reefs and other districts of the seas and oceans. Where it is due to the escalation and the transcendence of a lot of vapors of various oil slick floating on the surface of water, the air currents push these vapors away from the place where oil pollution to residential areas on the beaches and coastal areas by the air becomes saturated to the high degree and high concentration above the acceptable which affects the marine ecosystems and wildlife. The petroleum oil contains many organic materials many of which are poisoned organisms, and the most dangerous compound benzopyrene these compounds (benzopyrene), a cancer-causing hydrocarbons and lead to the death of aquatic organisms.

On the other hand, because the density of oil is less than the density of water it floats on the surface of water forming a thin layer buffer between the water and the atmosphere, and this layer spread over a large area of ​​water surface, which prevents gas exchange between air and water do not occur solubility of oxygen in sea water, which affects the balance gas, oil class and prevent the arrival of light into aquatic hindering processes of photosynthesis, which is the main source of oxygen and self-purification of water, leading to the death of many marine organisms and the disruption of the food chain of living organisms.

Add to that the spilled oil caused the pollution of coastal beaches as a result of moving long distances with ocean currents and tides, and collects some of its parts in the form of small balls black impede the movement of boats and fishing nets and spoil the beauty of sandy beaches and damage seashells and coral reefs, affecting tourism in the those areas. The most stable compounds of oil moves through the food chain and stored in fat and liver of marine animals, and these have a long-term adverse effects do not appear on the human body only after several years.

Goodbye .. Of fish and mammals:

Studies show that the Persian Gulf is the most polluted seas in the world oil, and that the organisms in the Arabian Peninsula is threatened, there are approximately four species of mammals and 21 species of birds and 40 species of reptiles and three species of endangered fish altogether! Persian Gulf has witnessed a number of cases of oil spill is the largest and the worst in the world during the previous years, and represents the oil spilled from tankers 28% of the total oil spilled into the waters of Persian Gulf, which amounts to an average of about 140 thousand barrels per year.

As for the Mediterranean Sea, which is shared by many Arab countries, what amounts to a year of oil leaking to nearly 600 thousand million tons. Based on a recent report issued by the United Nations Environment Programme, the only 4% of the areas where shellfish grow (shellfish waters) in the Mediterranean Sea at the present time produces seafood unfit for human!

The report of the Third Global Environment Program of the United Nations had said earlier that the Earth stands on the crossroads, One quarter of mammals in the world and 12% of birds already facing threat of extinction, and the world's seas are already exposed to a real threat due to pollution, and a third of the global inventory of fish classified Now as Nailla or at risk!

Fight .. Oil:

The main mechanical methods to combat water pollution, oil, can be summarized as follows:

1. The use of floating barriers to oil slick fencing to prevent the spread of oil.

2. The use of absorbent materials that impede the movement of oil slick in part, such as glass wool, and mica, and sprinkle these materials from small boats is then collected by networks of minutes and transferred to where it can be disposed of either by burning in special furnaces, or is extracted from the oil in and reused again .

3. The use of suction by way of special equipment sucking oil spills such as vacuum cleaners, and so are able to separate the oil from the water.

4. The use of devices that scrape the thick layer of oil floating on the surface of the water, and oil is collected and withdrawn Almst using pumps.

5. Using devices conveyor belt that passes through the metal layer where the viscous oil stick oil belt and can be disposed of later.

And can control water pollution by the oil-solution using a biological bacteria, where he found some scientists that a number of microorganisms that can analyze the microstructure of oil products that can convert the oil slicks to the extremely fine droplets in water. Have used some of the oil companies and chemical laboratories specialized in some Western countries these microorganisms on a large scale in the treatment of oil spills in seas and oceans to oil spills from tankers.

There are chemical methods for the treatment of oil spill into the water where it is sprayed certain types of solvents, detergents or powders high density on the surface of oil spills at sea pollute the adhesion and transferred after the fragment into a kind of emulsion spreading in the water and dissolved in or deposited on the bottom. But this is apparently the solution treatment of the problem, because the arrival of those materials to the bottom of the sea causing the extermination of fish, snails, sand worms that live in them, so this method is the increase in the complexity of the pollution problem and not a final solution to it!


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